February Favorites

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bonjour ducklings!! Um so it's March already and I'm kinda freaking out about it. February was a bit boring for me, but somehow it also flew by. Anywho, here's the stuff I've loved this month!

Let's begin with the ever raved about Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer. My poor little tube of MUFE Full Cover Concealer got tossed to the bottom of my makeup drawer when this sleek tube of joy came bursting into my life. Although it's meant for under eye usage as it's light reflecting formula hides dark circles, I find this property to be fantastic at covering any blemishes and scars as well. One concealer to rule them all, pretty much.
I'm always on the hunt for a solid, life changing mascara and the Maybelline Falsies Waterproof has probably made it into my top three. This little magenta tube was purchased for me by my lovely mother in a moment of crisis as I was heading right from a facial to a dance class and didn't have a mascara with me. CRISIS. I've found this to be a very wet mascara, so a light hand is definitely needed to prevent clumping. It's great at holding a curl and gives some dark, voluminous lashes. A new staple for me.
The Desert Essence Organics Sweet Almond Lotion was something I saw over on Parisian To Be. Lilian's review of this organic offering was super enabling, so I blame her. Also I'm down for anything and everything almond scented or flavored and this stuff smells like straight up marzipan. It's like crack. Besides that it's very nourishing, non-greasy, and skinks in quickly. I'm always super excited to smell like a bake shop after I get out of the shower.
My final favorite is a snack. What?! Um yeah snacks are the best, man. I'm always down for a good snack. Especially when it tastes like happiness and is also good for me. I'm talkin' about Quest Bars. Apparently they're a huge thing in the fitness/body-building community and I totally get it. They taste like a freaking candy bar but are low in sugar, carbs, and glycemic index. (AKA: they won't spike your blood sugar and make you crash like half an hour later) I've found, though, that some flavors are kinda nasty and it's a bit of a process finding which flavors you like. Take my advice though and stay away from the brownie flavor, the cookies and cream one though is awesome. There are only two downsides to Quest bars in my opinion, and that's that they're expensive and hard to find. Maybe if I didn't have to pay fifteen bucks for five bars and didn't have to drive all the way to GNC (or order online) then I'd probably go running through the streets screaming about them.

Anybody got other snack suggestions for me?

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