A Little Haul

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bonjour Ducklings!!
It turns out that I'm pretty good at scrounging together some money when I have a strong need to just buy stuff, and this haul is the result of that talent. Here we go…

The walls of Ulta beckon me on the daily, so you know that's always the place I hit up first. My one problem with going to Ulta is that I just want everything, making it so much harder to choose what to get with my budget. I settled on an NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in the shade Iced Mocha and a mini version of the Oscar Blandi Invisible Dry Shampoo. I had been looking for another NYX eye shadow stick in the shade Almond that I'd seen in one of The Beauty Department's recent tutorials, but couldn't find it. This product comes pretty darn close and I'm kind of obsessed with it now. It's a slightly shimmery taupe shade that makes my green eyes look fab. It works for all over the lid or just in the crease, lasts quite a while and doesn't crease. I may or may not have worn it everyday since I got it. #guilty  The dry shampoo however doesn't even deserve time in this haul. Sorry Oscar, but this stuff literally does nothing except make my hair all cakey and gross. No, thanks.
Next up was the Origins counter in Macy's for a tube of my favorite Clear Improvement mask. I've been using REN's Invisible Pores for a while, but my skin definitely needs something a bit more heavy duty. I'd gotten a sample of Clear Improvement a while ago and have missed having this gray goop all over my face ever since in ran out. I actually used both masks back to back a few nights ago (gasp) and woke up the next day with some much improved skin. A bit of an unlikely duo, am I right ladies?
Next up was the MAC counter over at Nordy's. I've been wanting to try the Studio Fix Foundation ever since I discovered that powder foundations are where it's at for me. It's really nice and gives some great coverage, but some concealer is still needed. It tends to sink into some pores and creases (excuse me, I'm 18 why do I have laugh lines already?!) so I've just got to be sure to have a solid primer underneath.

The laugh line thing may be genetic…thanks Mom

P.S. There are actually a couple of you reading this who aren't ad robots in India!! To you I say thank you for caring about my little corner of the internet.

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