January Favorites

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Well, 2014 is shaping up to be a big'un. January has definitely been…a lot for me. It's leading to some great changes, though. I hope you've had a super kickass start to the year! Most of the fruits of this post come from the glory that is Christmas money and have been much loved ever since I purchased them. We've got a good mix of hair, skin, makeup, and even a book so let's get started!!
First off is the ever loved (and raved about even more here) Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion. A real kick in the patootie to any deep, deep bumps on your lovely visage, this watery solution is miracle status. Lately I've even been using it all over my cheeks as I've got an entire population of under the skin blackheads and I'm pleased to say that not only has it refused to dry out my skin, but it is slowly ridding me of those tiny bumps. I'm sure you'll be seeing those little bottle in many more favorites to come.
For Christmas my Dad got me the Clarisonic Mia 2 and I've been using it pretty religiously. I got the special scrubber that's made specifically for acne, but I've seen no difference in my skin between this one and the original one. I have seen a difference in my skin in general, however, simply from using this little pink scrubby. My face always feels so much more thoroughly cleaned after using the Clarisonic and you can definitely feel the exfoliation. Mia is definitely gonna be sticking around.
Sometimes the best beauty finds come when you're pawing through your Mom's beauty bag, am I right ladies? In my Mom's stash I found the Almay Liquid Lip Balm in the shade Apricot Pucker and couldn't resist pocketing it. This creamy gloss/balm hybrid is an orange-y peach shade that, when applied lightly, brings just the right amount of color and brightness to my face. I may need it in more colors. Finders keepers, sorry Mom.
This next favorite I first heard about from Kate over at gh0stparties (who I'm super obsessed with btw) and I couldn't have seen her review at a better time. At the end of the year my hair seemed to be having a quarter life crisis as it's health went down the drain. I'm talking split ends, lack of luster, just generally depressed hair. But ever since the addition of Redken Extreme Anti-Snap to my post shower routine, my hair has not only been restored to it's former glory, but it's also grown abnormally quick. If there's one thing you should know about my hair, it's that it does not grow. Ever. But all that has changed since this little blue bottle of strength (plus some coconut oil treatments) have entered my curly mane. I'll definitely be thanking Redken for this one in my Oscars acceptance speech.
My final favorite is You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero. Yeah, it's a self help book. No, don't roll your eyes cause reading just one page of this book really leaves you feeling like a badass. Who doesn't want to read a book hilariously written, is basically just a super long pep talk, and relatable to the point where you really feel like you can do what Jen Sincero tells you to. So what if it's a self help book? Don't we all wanna help ourselves?

That just got real deep real fast

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