Hey, so you guys know those blogger awards thingies? Does there happen to be an award for "Most Sporadic" and/or "Most Janky" (jankiest...? I don't know)? Cause I'd definitely deserve some nominations in those categories. Anywho, you're not here for my apologies you're here for a tale of romance and smooth skin. Let us begin...*cough cough*
Once upon a time...
In the far off kingdom of Southern California, there lived a girl who liked to dance and eat croissants. Although her life was full of both of these things, she could not deny the fact that her skin made her self conscious. She lived in a vicious cycle of layering on drying acne lotions and such only to have her skin made flaky, therefore never allowing her makeup to sit right. No one wants to look like a flaky cake face.
Then one day as she was browsing through the websites of some of her favorite shops, she came upon a small pink tube. "A moisture serum, hmm..."she thought to herself, "Maybe this will help my sad flakiness!" So she gave it a shot.
Never, though, did she expect such a transformation. Within one application of this lily scented white liquid, her face became softer, more moisturized, and her acne had even reduced. The girl continued to use the serum both day and night underneath her moisturizer and has now witnessed an even greater improvement of healthier looking skin. The knowledge that the vitamin E the product touts protects and heals her skin has given the girl some much needed confidence in her skin. In fact, these days she has taken to only wearing some concealer and powder alone! A true magic potion indeed.
The girl and her happy skin lived happily ever after.
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