Review // Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

 Bonjour ducklings!! I'm here today to tell y'all about this rust colored magic in a tube. Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream is an all natural cleanser formulated with a whole bunch of nice extracts and almond meal for a nice deep cleanse and light exfoliation. I purchased this at my local Whole Foods for $28.99, but can be found for a few dollars less on the brand's website.
Now, I've only been using this cleanser for about three days, and already I can see a huge improvement in the texture and cleanliness of my skin. My obsession with this grows each day as it has been restoring moisture to my skin while effectively clearing up my skin. This stuff soothes, clarifies, and exfoliates all while managing not to strip my skin of absolutely everything. And to top it all off; it's all natural!! Score! Seriously, the ingredient list is just a bunch of scientific names for plant extracts and some water.
One interesting thing about this cleanser is there's a special way you have to use it in order to get the intended results. The brand's unique "press and roll" cleansing method is said to "stimulate the skin's ability to cleanse itself and lifts away dull, dead skin". I had absolutely no idea what that meant at first, so I turned to YouTube. If you want to see the "press and roll" method in action, click here.
Having such awesome results from this cleanser makes me wanna spend all day in the beauty aisle at my Whole Foods. I'm super interested in natural beauty and am definitely trying to incorporate more of it into my routine. Why put nasty chemicals on your face every day when you could be using the good stuff?!

Ain't nuthin' gonna keep me from my MAC lipstick, though…


  1. I'm definitely going to pick this up! I've had my eyes on it for a while now and it sounds fantastic!
    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

    1. Glad you're on the bandwagon, I swear it's life changing!


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