Obsessed: Mario Badescu

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Generally I find it really annoying when people say, "Ohmygod I'm so obsessed…", "Ugh I'm obsessed with you", or even just comment OBSESSED on an Instagram picture. It just seems so ungenuine. When it comes to beauty products, however, I can definitely get behind being obsessed.

The first brand I'm spotlighting as Obsessed is the NYC based skincare brand Mario Badescu. I had no clue as to the existence of this magnificent brand before I entered the world of beauty blogging, but oh gosh am I glad I know about it now. The brand was started by the man for which the company is named, Mario Badescu; a Romanian chemist and cosmetologist whose vision was to create skincare that combined both areas of his knowledge. While their home base salon resides in NYC, their products are available in many stores and online.

My first experience with Mario Badescu came by way of mailman, who delivered a lovely little box filled with the Glycolic Acid Toner, Buttermilk Moisturizer, and the widely popular Buffering Lotion. I'd also like to note the unusually large amount of samples and goodies that came along with my purchase, just a perk to ordering online I guess.

Kinda looks like pool water, don't be scared
First off we have the Glycolic Acid Toner, which I've noticed is pretty popular within the beauty blogosphere as well. I was pretty stoked about this one because of it's glycol acid content, known to exfoliate, refresh, and fade acne scars. Now if you've been reading any of my other posts so far you'll know that I've got quite a few dark spots on my cheeks and chin that I lovingly refer to as my "battalion  of acne scars". When applied it does give a little sting but it goes away quickly. I'm almost halfway through the bottle and I haven't noticed any difference in my scars due to this. The difference I've noticed in my skin has come from a different product I plan on reviewing later, I just wanted to make that clear. I'm still using this product in the mornings as it is nice and refreshing, but I don't think I'll be repurchasing it.

Ah Buttermilk Moisturizer, I wish I loved you. You won't clog pores, you've got rejuvenating AHAs, and you're a lovely shade of light blue. While I may be fun rubbing Smurf colored cream all over my face, you're just a bit too light for me right now. I may be in a warm climate but my skin is still dry enough to show through my foundation after a few hours. Buttermilk Moisturizer, you're simply not doing it for me and my winter skin at the moment. Please don't feel offended if I set you aside for a few months, but I'm not giving up on you yet. It's not you, it's me.

The famous Buffering Lotion. The sister of the brand's famous Drying Lotion. The difference between the two is that this baby is for cystic acne; the large bumps underneath your skin that haven't quite come to a head. It's creamy sister, however, was born to kick to the curb those zits that are on the surface and have lovely puss filled heads that are so tempting to pop. Recently I've had a few deep, dark, cystic spots on my cheeks and chin and with two or three night's application of this stuff they had peaced out. I've also got some deep under the skin blackheads that this potion is slowly but surely taking care of.

Now based on the reviews I've given these products, I bet you're wondering why I'm still obsessed with the brand. But as with all brands you win some, you lose some and one hum drum toner won't change my opinion that Mario Badescu is still one of the greatest skincare brands out there, especially for how little most of their products cost. Next up I've got my eye on the Healing Mask and the Drying Mask, in conjunction they're said to work miracles!

Aren't you proud of me for not making any MarioKart jokes?

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