
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

the sky did a cool thing a few weeks ago
Hello friends!! So I'm a horrible blogger and haven't photographed any favorite for you this month. Why, you ask? Well, I-I just kinda don't have any? As I was trying to put together this post I realized that I didn't really have any fantastic favorites to share with you all. I've also been a bit under the weather for a little over a week now and I'm still not feeling 100%. You know that level of sick you can get where you feel gross enough to not exercise or really go anywhere, but there's still this part of you that's fine and that part is all like, "Dude, I'm fine, let's go do stuff" so therefore you want to do stuff but you can't? (That was a horrendous run-on sentence) Yeah, that.
Regardless, I'm here now to share with you not my March favorites, but my March...stuff.
Let's begin with something that makes my blood boil shall we? I'm talkin' about the How I Met Your Mother finale last night. Now, I won't go into details because spoilers but needless to say, I'm pissed. That writing team deserves more than five slaps to the face.
As mentioned in my last "Inspo" post, my passion for Harry Potter has randomly returned in full force. Why? Seriously, this just kinda came out of nowhere but oh man, it is here. My point is I've been watching the movies a lot this month, especially as I've really not even wanted to get out of bed for the last week or so. Where is Madam Pomfrey when you need her?
Hmmmmm, what else...OH I've got some fantastic cystic acne on my cheeks that's taken residence on my face most of the month. It's only just now leaving. Rude. You guys probably didn't even need to know that.
Ooh one thing I've really been loving this month are Bath and Body Works candles!! This isn't really a new development as I've loved their candles for years now, but their new "Fresh Picked" collection is da bomb. Fresh Picked Peach, Honeysuckle Bouquet, and Lilac Blossom are my faves and they're really scented so you don't have to burn them too long to get your place to smell like a lovely garden.
Anywho, I guess I'll finish off this post here. Sorry I didn't have much to share this month and this post probably wasn't even necessary, but I wanted to let you guys know what was up anyways!!

TTFN and Happy April!

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