
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A vague post title for a post about products I feel vague about. Seems well planned to me. Not really though cause it just kinda hit me thirty seconds ago and I decided it was absolutely genius.
There are quite a few products out there in the blogosphere that are so insanely raved about that you can feel left out if you don't have one to your name. I, however, took Sandra Bullock's advice in The Blind Side where she says to always ask yourself, "Is this me?" before you buy something. And while this is a process in which I always partake, I'm also an extremely indecisive croissant eater and constantly waffle on whether or not these few products are "me".

Let's begin with the one of these products that I've actually tried. Miss Laura, I love you. I really do. But your famous Silk Creme Foundation was far too yellow for me. Literally even your lightest shade made me look like a legal notepad. It ain't cute. Therefore I shall have to live my life sans Silk Creme and watch as every other blogger gets to play in the flawless skin sandbox while I must remain on the acne scar swings.
Ahhh Hourglass. You've made quite the impression recently, haven't you? With your Ambient Lighting Powders and Palette, and now you've got those blushes. I don't even have to say the name and you all know exactly what I'm talking about. Even if I didn't have a picture of one up above you'd still know what blushes I'm talking about. I must say I'm more lenient towards purchasing one of the blushes over one of the normal powders simply because I'd prefer the multi-purpose-ness of it all, but I'm not quite sure I want to give into the hype. Or pay like $35 for a freaking blush. Even if it comes in the Beyonce of packaging.
Origiiiiiiiiiiins. I just don't know how to feel about you. You do make my favorite face mask (Clear Improvement), yet I've heard some shady things about your ingredients even though you claim to be natural. What's up with that? The blogosphere seems to me enamored with your GinZing moisturizer, claiming to be a huge "WAKE UP" by way of pretty orange tub. My personal reservation with this product is that I'm afraid it won't be moisturizing enough for me. And besides, I'd rather use a moisturizer that keeps my acne at bay before one that wakes me up.
La Roche Posay is a brand I'd never heard of before reading beauty blogs and then one day I was at Target and was like "Yooooo French brands in America praise be". Unfortunately I haven't been able to pick anything up from the brand yet, but I do intend to. The product I've been waffling about from this brand is its crowning glory the Effaclar Duo. I've never tried this serum/moisturizer/holy grail(??) in a tube myself, but from what I know of it you either love it or you hate it. I would like to create my own opinion on this product though, so it'll probably find its way into my red plastic cart next time I'm at Tar-jayy.

What products are you guys kinda iffy on?

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